A platform that drives engagement and donations

Make-A-Wish UK appointed Giant to update its website. With ambitious growth plans, the charity needed a solid, stable, secure platform from which to grow income, volunteers and active communities united with a common purpose. Dependent on donations to fund its work, the website plays a critical role in driving income into the organisation both directly and as part of the attribution chain to conversion.

We worked with the charity to rethink the website and no longer consider it as simply a platform for driving engagement and donation, but also as the shop window to the charity and the impact that wishes can have on children and young people with critical illnesses.

Make a Wish UK website screenshot

Combining MVP with a comprehensive ongoing strategy

With a long list of requirements, from multiple departments within the charity, Make-A-Wish concluded that a MVP model would be the most efficient use of time and budget. To get the user experience and infrastructure right, we invested more time in understanding the charity's varied audiences and focused on developing a stable, scalable platform that combines core functionality with a user-first mentality. Any features that did not contribute to this immediate win, were pushed to phase two and we share a vision for developing the site further in line with industry trends and the charity's growth.

Make a Wish UK website screenshot

A user-first approach for next-level engagement

Our proven charity sector approach ensures that everything we create is focused around the user. User centric journey planning, UX and creative ensures that we provide the users with all informational needs and advice on where experiences can be enhanced using rich media. We carried out multiple stakeholder interviews to produce a set of 12 personas.

We used these personas, along with current site analysis, and executed a Card Sorting Exercise with Make-A-Wish stakekeholders to formulate the basis of our information architecture.

By investing time in understanding the charity, we developed a platform that had solid, tried and tested foundations centred on the user.

Make a Wish UK mobile version
Make a Wish UK mobile version
Make a Wish UK mobile version

Wish stories: bringing the mission front and centre

With such a compelling mission, it seemed only right to bring the children Make-A-Wish supports, to the forefront of the site. We designed the wish story pages to be extremely visual with the ability to donate to each individual child's wish. Each story has a sticky donation block that is visible at all times. The donation block outlines the current percentage funded and clickable donation amount buttons. The page also includes a wish list which breaks down each element that needs funding.

Make a Wish UK desktop version
Make a Wish UK mobile version

32.8k unique users in the first month following the launch of the site

5,287 entries into the donation journey in the first month

122% increase in donations in the first month, compared to August 2018